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Our Learning

Education in Faith

Education in Faih

At Our Lady of the Pines, we nurture our students’ faith journey through prayer, learning, celebrating, belonging and reaching out.


Our Religious Education program provides students with opportunities to grow in knowledge and understanding of the Catholic tradition, through engagement in prayer and daily christian meditation, liturgy, parent and child workshops, masses and Sacraments.


Our teaching of Religious Education is designed to allow our students to appreciate the connection between their faith and their life, and to empower them to live out the Gospel values. This enables them to develop awareness of and participation in social justice activities within our local and global communities.


We seek to live the challenge of the call of Micah the prophet: "Live justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with your God."

"We nurture our students' faith journey".

Learning & Teaching

Learnig & Teaching

Our Lady of the Pines is a welcoming community, working in partnership to nurture the values and traditions of the Catholic faith. Embedded throughout the curriculum are the skills of cooperation, problem solving, innovation, self-direction and the capacity to relate to others and manage change.


The curriculum offered at Our Lady of the Pines is designed to enhance the academic, social, spiritual, physical and personal development of our students.


We focus on providing a diverse curriculum that challenges our students to adapt to 21st Century learning.  Our school aims to provide rich experiences to allow students to succeed and develop as lifelong learners. Our teaching is informed by each student’s point of need, and our curriculum is adapted accordingly.

"We aspire for our students to be life long learners".

Inquiry Approach

Inquiry Approach

Through the Inquiry approach, opportunities are provided for students to pose questions about their world. Within a Contemporary learning framework, the students work individually, in pairs and in groups. They question, reflect and articulate their learning. Student voice is also encouraged to enable richer learning experiences to occur.


The Inquiry Approach is based across all the learning areas. Opportunities are provided for students to become immersed in their learning by making connections to their local and global world.  


At Our Lady of the Pines, we use an online curriculum resource, ’ Mappen’, that meets mandated standards and students’ needs. The comprehensive resource covers 8 concepts over a two-year cycle. Students complete a pre-test to assess their understanding and skills and develop questions to be answered during the unit.


The concepts are:

  • Identity

  • Sustainability

  • Social Justice

  • Creativity

  • Community

  • Change

  • Discovery

  • Connections.


Victorian Curriculum


Our curriculum is based on the Victorian Curriculum, the educational framework for all Victorian schools.  The learning areas and capabilities include:

  • English

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • Technologies

  • The Humanities - Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, Geography, History

  • The Arts

  • Health and Physical Education

  • Languages - (Italian is taught at Our Lady of the Pines)

  • Capabilities - Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical, Intercultural, Personal and Social



At Our Lady of the Pines we endeavour to maintain a balanced and challenging program which supports the students to strengthen and enrich their personal relationships, developing effective communication and life skills. We believe that a successful language program is one in which Reading and Viewing, Writing, and Speaking and Listening, are integrated in a supportive and stimulating environment. They are encouraged to make connections to all text types by deepening their knowledge, skills and understanding, and to speak and write with confidence.


Our English program aims to:

  • develop in students the ability to listen, speak, read, view and write with confidence, purpose and enjoyment

  • develop in students, the ability to understand, discuss and begin to critically analyse texts

  • use ongoing assessment to guide explicit teaching

  • set high expectations for student learning in all aspects of English

  • provide a rich program that meets the needs of all students

  • use contemporary tools to enhance students engagement.


The structure of the English program incorporates whole class learning, small focus group teaching, as well one-to-one conferencing. Students are encouraged to articulate their learning through reflection. Teachers consistently monitor and assess students’ strengths and weaknesses thus establishing point of need for teaching. This information is recorded and guides classroom teaching programs.


Teachers practice is evidence based: effective instructional practices ensure cohesive learning opportunities and measurable student achievement.


The Literacy programs are supported by:

  • the Literacy Leaders (Junior - Foundation to Year 2,  and Senior -Year 3 to 6)

  • a Reading Recovery Teacher

  • Learning Support Officers

  • professional learning teams at all levels

  • parent helpers in classrooms

  • speech pathology – from The Catholic Education Office

  • a fully equipped literacy and library resource centre.


The Victorian Curriculum provides the developmental overview of learning outcomes at each year level, which teachers use to plan and sequence learning experiences appropriate for their classes. Over the course of their primary schooling, the students develop essential skills and knowledge in the content strands of:

  • Language

  • Literature

  • Literacy


Additional Assistance - LLI, Reading Recovery and SPRINTS


We provide a Reading Recovery Program in Year 1 for students with learning needs. Level Literacy Intervention(LLI) and Sprints are intervention and extension programs for students who require additional support in reading and writing.

"We differentiate for the needs of all abilities".



At Our Lady of the Pines we believe that mathematics is essential to enable and inspire students to develop knowledge, skills and problem solving strategies to successfully participate in the 21st Century. We centre our teaching on an evidence based learning approach, and empower our students to reflect on their learning journey by articulating their mathematical thinking.


Our Mathematics programs aims to:

  • foster a positive attitude to maths and to develop inquiring minds in our students

  • develop numerate students who see the relevance and interconnectedness of mathematics in their everyday lives, and who are able to apply their knowledge, skills and understanding to solve problems

  • develop a thorough mathematical grounding, in order to build confidence and broaden their knowledge through personalised learning, enabling the students to maximise their potential.



  • Pre and post testing is used for each unit as well as a variety of ongoing assessments.

  • We teach to the specific needs of our students through explicit teaching and focus groups.

  • Students learn in a variety of settings including like-ability and mixed-ability groups, as well as whole-class and individual tasks.

  • We differentiate our teaching to cater for all abilities, believing that every child needs consolidation and challenges.

  • We encourage risk taking, discussion, thinking and reflection.

  • We use open-ended and rich tasks, wherever practical.

  • We provide hands on experiences and the use of digital technology to enhance their learning and to make connections to real life.

  • We use concrete materials to scaffold student learning.

  • We affirm students in their acquisition of mathematical skills, acknowledging that a positive attitude is vital.

  • A variety of resources are centrally located in a dedicated Mathematics Room.


The Numeracy programs are supported by:

  • Numeracy Leaders (Junior - Foundation to Year 2,  and Senior -Year 3 to 6)

  • A trained Number Intervention specialist

  • Learning Support Officers

  • Professional learning teams at all levels

  • Learning Consultants - from The Catholic Education Office.


Victorian Curriculum

The Victorian Curriculum provides the developmental overview of learning outcomes at each year level, which teachers use to plan and sequence learning experiences appropriate for their classes. Over the course of their primary schooling, the students develop essential skills and knowledge in the content strands of:

  • Number and Algebra

  • Measurement and Geometry

  • Statistics and Probability


Learning Framework in Number (LFIN) and SPRINTS

The Learning Framework in Number (LFIN) Pilot Project commenced in Foundation in 2017, and continues in 2018 for Foundation teachers as well as the Junior (Year 1’s) teachers.  Year 2’s will be involved in 2019.


Through the project teachers will:

  • increase their knowledge of pedagogy and content in early number

  • develop capabilities in administering and analyzing assessment schedules to target individual student growth

  • develop capabilities in designing curriculum to improve student learning outcomes.


Students are assessed in February, June and November.  This assessment allows teachers to identify student’s point of need.  The project involves the use of SPRINTS, which are explicit focus groups where the teacher uses a variety of strategies and resources to move each child along the Number continuum.


Additional Assistance

All students new to our school and those who are considered ‘at risk’ are screened using CEM’s LFIN Assessment Schedules.


From 2018 our school will be a participant in the Mathematical Association of Victoria (MAV) talent quest.

Digital Technologies

Digital Technologies

At Our Lady of the Pines, Digital Technology is intergrated into student learning on a daily basis. Students are given the opportunity to benefit from Digital Technologies to support and enhance their learning and development. 


Our Lady of the Pines promotes a safe and responsible use of technology, educating students how to remain cyber safe whilst working online. Students have access to a variety of digital technology devices and applications such as iPads, Chromebooks, 3D printers, Touch Screen teaching panels, coding hardware and software.


Prior to use of Digital Technology children learn about the need for safety when online and are required to return a user agreement acknowledging their consent to use technology responsibly and respectfully.


Digital Devices at OLOP

In the Foundation & Junior levels the children become exposed to digital technology through the use of desktop computers and iPads, with the Grade 2's introducing the use of Chromebooks ready for the Middle Years.


The Middle levels (years 3 & 4) utilise Chromebooks in the learning, sharing devices 1:2 between the level. Children are first exposed to the G-Suite and the apps they can use to collaboratively learn online and present their work.


The Senior levels (years 5 & 6) have 1:1 devices, using the Chromebooks daily, integrating digital technology seamlessly in their learning to create autonomous learners, readying them for their transition to high school.


The Digital Technologies program aims to:

-  Develop the knowledge and skills of students for a variety of digital technology resources

-  To understand the importance of Digital Technologies and recognise the role it plays in an ever-changing technological world

-  To examine how Digital Technology affects the lives of individuals in our society

-  To develop an awareness of cyber safe practises to protect individuals wellbeing


Digital Technology is promoted through Code Club, a weekly Lunch time club which focusses on all things coding. Students from years 3-6 are welcome each week with Junior classes invited on an alternating basis due to the large numbers wishing to participate.



"We use

open-ended and rich tasks".

Specialist Subjects

Specialst Subjects

We endeavour to foster the potential of every student through a range of specialist, support and extension programs. Specialist teachers are employed in the areas of Physical Education, Italian, Science, Performing and Visual Arts.


  • Italian

  • Performing Arts

  • Physical Education

  • Science

  • Visual Arts

"We encourage all students to do their best".

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