At Our Lady of the Pines we endeavour to maintain a balanced and challenging program which supports the students to strengthen and enrich their personal relationships, developing effective communication and life skills. We believe that a successful language program is one in which Reading and Viewing, Writing, and Speaking and Listening, are integrated in a supportive and stimulating environment. Students are encouraged to make connections to all text types by deepening their knowledge, skills and understanding, and to speak and write with confidence.
Victorian Curriculum
The Victorian Curriculum provides the developmental overview of learning outcomes at each year level. The framework allows teachers to plan and sequence learning experiences appropriate for their classes. Over the course of their primary schooling, the students develop essential skills and knowledge in the content strands of:
Our English program aims to:
develop in students the ability to listen, speak, read, view and write with confidence, purpose and enjoyment
develop in students, the ability to understand, discuss and begin to critically analyse texts
use ongoing assessment to guide explicit teaching
set high expectations for student learning in all aspects of English
provide a rich program that meets the needs of all students
use contemporary tools to enhance student engagement.
The structure of the English program incorporates whole class learning, small focus group teaching, as well one-to-one conferencing. Students are encouraged to articulate their learning through reflection. Teachers consistently monitor and assess students’ strengths and weaknesses. This information is recorded and guides classroom teaching practice. It ensures cohesive learning opportunities and measurable student achievement.
Our English Program is supported by:
Literacy Leaders (Junior - F - 2 and Senior - 3 to 6)
Learning Support Officers
Professional Learning Teams at all levels
Parent helpers in classrooms
Speech Pathology – Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools
Fully equipped literacy and library resource centres.
Intervention programs
Extension programs